There are "NO RULES" in art, unless you are gullible
enough to believe "those people" who tell you otherwise.
I paint whatever I feel like painting.....Imagine that for a concept!
Young kids have the right idea until their ill-advised
teachers start deciding for them that the giraffe
they painted doesn’t look real………sadly,
this is the beginning of the end.
To inhibit the imagination with regulations is restricting one's creativity.
Good paintings are all about good ideas and that is all
that should matter, everything else is irrelevant.
Artist statement
I was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1969 and now reside
and paint from my home studio in the eastern suburbs. I started
experimenting with water colours in my early years, but found my
niche with acrylic paints on hardboard and canvas, using different
methods to create interesting and unusual textures.
As a self taught contemporary artist, I have been painting for over 24 years,
marketing my work in Australia, the United States and Asia.
My main influences are brut and naive art but mainly get inspiration
from children's paintings. I prefer simplified, bold and raw
paintings such as Jean Michel Basquiat and Jean Dubuffet.
My paintings are visual journals of thoughts and experiences
of everyday life. The majority of my paintings aren't planned,
its just a matter of persisting until something of interest
transpires. I appreciate drawings from children who are
free from limitations, which to me is what creativity is all about.
It would seem that the younger the child, the more honest their
interpretation of life is. As the years go on, they are steered into a
direction that stunts their artistic endeavours with rules and
regulations on what's right and wrong.
I use acrylic paints because of their versatility and as I work
fairly quickly they are more suited to my style.
Painting to me is probably similar to people who love reading,
it's a great escape in which time has no significance.